Cardiovascular Health

Low Iron Levels May Increase Blood Clot Risk

Our take: “Ironically, in many of our most iron and ferritin deficient patients, we also find elevated levels of hsCRP. This makes the case that investigating the causal link between inflammation and iron deficiency holds to thrombosis. Another frequent clinical...

CPAP Benefits

Our take: “This is a very good article describing the importance of diagnosing apnea and correcting it through appropriate interventions by a sleep specialist. Airway devices are sometimes helpful for the very mild forms of apnea, though we’ve seen incredible...

4 Common Medications Carry Great Risk – Reduce Their Use

All medications come with side effects, some minor and others extreme. In cases of advanced disease, high-risk infections and other extreme health conditions, the benefits of medication greatly outweigh the side effects. For others, the medications are used largely as...