Lyme Disease & Tick Borne Illnesses

Have you had a suspicious bug bite? 

Lyme disease is everywhere in the World. Immediate treatment for Lyme Disease can result in much shorter courses and provide much better results.

Due to the misconception that this is only an east coast problem people often don’t get tested and treated for Lyme as soon as they should.

The term “Lyme Disease” covers a complex of multiple infections including Borrelia which is known to be the causing agent of the disease. It’s most well-known as being contracted after getting a tick bite. But Lyme infections can also spread between sexual partners or congenitally from undiagnosed parents to their children.

Immediate treatment for Lyme Disease can result in much shorter courses and provide much better results. If you’ve recently gotten a bug bite and a red ring has appeared around it (kind of like a bullseye) see a doctor immediately. This is definitely a ‘better safe than sorry’ situation.

Late stage and persistent Lyme disease treatment and diagnostics are often much more complex. The longer you have the infection the more severe effects they can have on your bodily functions.

Chronic Lyme Disease symptoms:

  • Joint pain
  • Wandering pain
  • Cognitive Dysfunction (can’t recall things, trouble finding words or remembering names)
  • Skin lesions such as acne or crawling sensations
  • Severe allergies like hives or lots of food/environmental allergies
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Digestion and Bowel issues

Were you ever diagnosed with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

If you aren’t getting better within a month or two of starting medication – get screened for Lyme Disease.

If you haven’t had full diagnostic testing for all your symptoms, get tested for Lyme Disease by a specialist. We often see patients who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) come in with additional undetected inflammation or underlying infections like Lyme.

Because Lyme instances are relatively lower west of the Cascades, Lyme recognition and treatment is much less proactive here. Your primary care doctor may not know how to exhaustively test for it. If it’s been ruled out after having the CDC blot test but you’re still experiencing symptoms you should get tested again. At Restorative Health we also do a PCR test which is much more sensitive and specific — providing a more accurate result.

We can help provide answers as to why you aren’t getting better.

If you’ve been correctly diagnosed and treated for Lyme but you’re not going into remission it’s usually because you haven’t had a long enough or strong enough treatment.

We take an antimicrobial approach to ensure we’re treating every single infection and parasite your body may be suffering from.

We’ll provide guidance and treatment options for Lyme Disease including conventional western medicine and naturopathic or herbal treatments. We know that one treatment does not fit everyone and we use multiple tools (such as autonomic testing) to assess how pathogens and toxins affect your body specifically and what can be used to relieve that stress. It’s a way to help guide your treatment and determine what will be most effective for you.

Morgellons Disease

Morgellons Disease is a new and very controversial disease in medicine.

The CDC currently recognizes it as a delusional disorder resulting in psychiatric treatment for patients. We know that these patients are not suffering from a mental illness, they are suffering from an infection that results in physical symptoms. Researchers have made scientific connections from Morgellons to Lyme disease with Morgellons patients testing positive for elements of Lyme disease and other co-infections.

One of the main symptoms of Morgellons Disease is dermatological —skin lesions spontaneously appearing which won’t heal. These lesions have small filaments that form inside the body. Often, because of the itching and skin crawling sensations that are associated with these lesions patients believe they have some kind of parasite. This characterization of the symptom is what led to the initial conclusion that patients were delusional. When, in fact, these are malformations of collagen and keratin made by the skin itself that look similar to textile fibers.

There is no current cure for Morgellons Disease but we are working with the Charles E Holman Foundation, and Igenix Laboratory who are conducting independent research to find the cause of this disease and a way to treat it.

Get a treatment plan that’s put together specifically for you