Jessica Adamson is a board-certified, Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Upon returning from Southeast Asia, she began working as a care provider for adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. This helped to fuel her desire to treat patients with complex chronic illness. Jessica has also taken a strong interest in treating additional ailments, including tick borne infections and mold toxicity. Over the last year, she has worked directly with Dr. Stein learning and enhancing her treatment protocols for these patients. She has completed the Healing Lyme and Co-Infections training with Dr. Horowitz in 2021 and will continue to broaden her evidence based research protocols, to ensure the proper treatment for each patient. Jessica has personally witnessed the damage that can be brought forth when someone on the medical team does not believe the symptoms a person is presenting. She believes that the relationship she can build between herself and the patient will be a strong, honest, and an understanding one for years to come. No matter where you are starting on your healing journey, she hopes that you will allow her to join you.