
All in Your Head? Fibromyalgia as a Neurological Disorder

Once thought to be muscular in nature, Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a neurological disorder that involves the brain’s communication with the body’s pain receptors, via the spinal cord. Essentially, it is like the volume in the part of the brain that perceives pain...

Fighting Fibro-Fog with Exercise, Part Two

While the Center for Disease Control & Prevention recommends 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week for optimal cardiovascular health, in addition to twice weekly strength training sessions for bone and joint health, preliminary research suggests that as little...

Fighting Fibro-Fog with Exercise

Here at Restorative Health Clinic, we treat many patients with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue-related symptoms, to include the experience of brain or “fibro-fog.” Commonly characterized by lapses in memory, confusion, difficulty concentrating, and disrupted speech...

We’re headed towards a ‘post-antibiotic era,’ WHO

The day is now upon us when we can no longer rely on our patented prescription medications for the majority of our health concerns. Many cases of Lyme and other tick-borne infections, for instance, require single-to-triple antibiotic protocols to control the...

Cordyceps – ancient fungus for modern health benefits

I’d like to share a few uses of Cordyceps sinensis, a valuable herbal medicine we use to help support improvement and recovery in cases of fatigue, lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome including chronic infections and fibromyalgia. I like the fact that this is a...